Early Childhood Caries is defined as the presence of one or more decayed (non-cavitated or cavitated lesions), missing (due t..
The heart is a muscular organ responsible for moving blood through the vessels to all parts of the body. Through rhythmic con..
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Toute pathologie (carie,traumatisme) de la dent immature nous oblige à reconsidérer nos thérapeutiques conservatrices en fonc..
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A pulpotomy is performed in a primary tooth when caries removal results in a pulp exposure in a tooth with a normal pulp or r..
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Les dentistes pédiatriques effectuent un traitement pulpaire sur les dents primaires (de bébé) et sur les dents permanentes...
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La carie de la petite enfance est une forme particulièrement virulente de carie dentaire, qui peut détruire la dentition prim..
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Toute pathologie (carie,traumatisme) de la dent immature nous oblige à reconsidérer nos thérapeutiques conservatrices en fonc..
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Le COVID-19 a fait ressortir la nécessité de renforcer les mesures de prévention et de contrôle des infections (PCI) devant ê..
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In 1952, A Swedish Professor Per-Ingvar Branemark, while conducting a research into the healing patterns of bone tissue, acci..
The most common oral surgery procedure is tooth extraction, Oral surgery has special problems because the lips and the cheeks..